An Open and Affirming Vision for God's People Across the Christian Church

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
(Isaiah 55:8-9)


It is no secret that the Christian Church in the United States is in decline. Until the middle of the twentieth century, the Church held a place of primacy in American life; indeed, the best land in many downtowns in the United States has a place of worship built on it. And in the final decades of the last century and the first decades of the current one, a seismic shift has moved the locus of communal American life out of the religious sphere and into the secular. While a majority of Americans believe in God, more and more select the “none” box when choosing their religious affiliation, especially our younger citizens.

The drafters of the Nashville Statement link the post-Christian experience of modern American life to “a massive revision of what it means to be a human being.” They assert that acceptance of ways of life apart from the heteronormative, cisgender expression of humanity denies God’s “revealed will,” and thus is the cause of the decline of the Christian Church.

We think the opposite is true.

The rich diversity of people, no matter how they may differ from one another, reflects the glory of God and the beauty and particularity of God’s creation. As the citizenry of the United States moves to greater awareness and acceptance of all sexual orientations and gender identities, it is statements like the one put forth in Nashville that harms the Christian Church. The Nashville Statement promulgates one vision of God’s creation, in which a subsection of humanity is blessed and good and another is seen as immoral simply because of who they are.

We put forth a different vision: one in which God made diversity as one of God’s first creative acts; in which God infused that diversity into the human species; and in which God invites us to celebrate the vast array of identities that all weave together to make the tapestry of humanity. We believe the Biblical witness supports such a vision and that the Holy Spirit is moving the Christian Church to acceptance, celebration, and full inclusion of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, and indeed of all races, ethnicities, nationalities, ages, and abilities. Far from being antithetical to the Good News of Jesus Christ, such movement fulfills the dream of God that all be welcomed and affirmed as God’s beloved children.

Section 1: God

Article 1

WE AFFIRM that God is greater than the human capacity for imagination; that God has revealed God’s self to us through scripture, tradition, and reason; and that God continues to be revealed to us because no revelation individually or collectively can reveal the totality of God.

WE DENY the human desire to contain or constrain God to social norms and mores, which are always a reflection of human biases in a particular time and worldview. Such impulses are borne of the idolatrous human sin of elevating the self over God and break our proper relationship with God.

Article 2

WE AFFIRM that God, and God alone, is center of all things; that nothing can exist apart from God; and that all things that have been or ever will be exist within God.

WE DENY that any part of creation, including any person, can be considered as other than the product of God’s creativity.

Section 2: Creation

Article 3

WE AFFIRM that God created all things; that all creation reflects the One who gave it form; and that though all of creation is contained within God, the entirety of God cannot be contained by creation.

WE DENY the human impulse to overlook, ignore, or otherwise dismiss the reflection of God revealed in every person and in every aspect of creation, for this ultimately is a rejection of God.

Article 4

WE AFFIRM that God created humanity in God’s own image; that the image of God is greater than can be contained by any one, two, or more sexes; and that the variety and uniqueness of human sexes grants us insight into the expansiveness of the divine.

WE DENY the elevation of any one sex over any of the others, the elevation of male and female as the only two sexes ordained by God, or the use of sex to assign human rights and privileges.

Article 5

WE AFFIRM that as humans made in the image of God, we share a God-given creative impulse; that God yearns for us to participate in creation; and that procreation is only one of the ways we participate in creation. There are many ways in which human beings and human relationships are generative outside of procreation, and God has instilled in us the ability to dream and create, to be innovative in art and science, to nurture and care for others, and to create communities of justice and kindness which contribute to the commonwealth of those around us.

WE DENY that procreation is the measure by which our worth should be determined, that it is required in intimate human relationship, or that it is the only means by which humans create.

Section 3: Humanity

Article 6

WE AFFIRM the reality of the brokenness of humanity, which is both manifested and furthered in our denial of the dignity in every human being; in the immorality and injustices we inflict on one another based on human ideas of value and justice; and especially in the abuse we heap upon our neighbor because of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

WE DENY that a person’s sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity is connected to their own morality, immorality, or brokenness.

Article 7

WE AFFIRM the reality that humans are estranged from God as a result of our brokenness; that we are estranged from one another as a result of our brokenness; and that we are unable to overcome our brokenness and heal our estrangement by ourselves.

WE DENY any claim that our brokenness and estrangement can be overcome by ascribing to the right belief or creed, conforming to the proper social norms, through the denial of our own God-created selves, or by isolating ourselves from the diversity of human sexes, sexual identities, and gender orientations.

Section 4: Christ

Article 8

WE AFFIRM that God became incarnate in Jesus Christ; entered into the fullness of the human condition; and lived, taught, and broke bread with people across all human conditions and human barriers in order that all people would have a part in the redemption and salvation Christ offers.

WE DENY that any person can be considered outside the body of Christ or unable to participate in Christ’s redeeming work on the basis of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, for to do so is to deny the fullness of Jesus’ humanity.

Article 9

WE AFFIRM that Jesus Christ’s teaching and ministry proclaims release to those who have been held captive by the prevailing social norms; freedom to those who have been victims of oppression; and the Good News of God’s love and desire to be in right relationship with all of humanity.

WE DENY all effort to subvert Christ’s work, to bind up what God has loosed, or to silence the Good News of God’s love because of a person’s sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Article 10

WE AFFIRM that Jesus died because of our sinful denial and refusal of his teachings and Gospel message; that Christ rose again on the third day because God is bigger than our brokenness and loves us even as we reject God; and that in resurrection, Christ has overcome our sin in order to restore our relationship to God and one another.

WE DENY all attempts to put Jesus back on the cross through the persecution of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender persons, or any other person based on their gender or sexual identity.

Section 5: The Church & God's Mission

Article 11

WE AFFIRM that God designed marriage to be a sacred, life-long covenant between people whom God has brought together, and that in this sacramental union, we are able to glimpse the union of Christ and the Church, as well as the union of the one God revealed to us in the Trinity.

WE DENY any effort to put asunder those whom God has bound together, especially when those efforts are based on a limited conception of human relationship, or because of a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

Article 12

WE AFFIRM that the Church is called to participate in the work of building the City of God here on earth through the proclamation of the Gospel; that through our obedience to Christ’s call into discipleship, the Church can be a cornerstone of the City of God; and that there is a place for every person in the City of God.

WE DENY the exclusion of women, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender persons from full inclusion and participation in the life of the church and its work in the world.

Article 13

WE AFFIRM that all people are invited to participate in God’s mission of reconciliation, of healing, of restoration, and of redemption as has been revealed to us in the life, teachings, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and that there is a place for every person in Christ’s salvation.

WE DENY that God makes any mistakes or that any person is unfit or unworthy of God’s love or grace, or the possibility that anyone can remove themselves from the love of God in Jesus Christ.

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)

The Connecticut Statement Represents



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Total People


Last updated March 19, 2021

The Rev. Adam Yates, Rector
St. Faith's Anglican Church
Vancouver, BC

The Rev. Adam Thomas, Rector
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Mystic, CT

The Rev. Diana M Rogers, Priest in Charge
The Church of the Good Shepherd
Orange, CT

The Rev. Kurt J. Huber, Rector
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Monroe, CT

The Rev. Stacey Kohl, Curate
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Mystic, CT

The Rev. Dr. Molly F. James, Dean of Formation
Episcopal Church in Connecticut
Meriden, CT

The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach, Rector
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Meriden, CT

The Rev. Kevin Olds, Rector
St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
Fairfield, CT

The Rev. Jane Hale, Missional Curate
Tri-Town Missional Curacy, Episcopal Church in Connecticut
Brooklyn, Danielson, & Putnam, CT

The Rev. Matthew Emery, Senior Minister
Storrs Congregational Church, United Church of Christ
Storrs, CT

The Rev. Maureen Lederman, Rector
St. John's Episcopal North Guilford
Guilford, Ct

The Rev. Dr. Kris Lewis-Theerman, Priest-in-Charge
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Katonah, NY

The Rev. Charlotte LaForest, Assistant Rector
St. John's Episcopal Church
Essex, CT

The Rev. Lois Keen, Retired Priest
Episcopal Church in Connecticut
Torrington, CT

The Rev. Scott Lee, Priest in Charge
Christ Church
Stratford, CT

The Rev. Dr. William Carl Thomas, Priest-in-Charge
Christ Episcopal Church
Middletown NJ

The Rev. Emily Mitchell, Minister
Source Material
Chicago, IL

The Rev. Joseph Pace, Retired Episcopal Priest
Episcopal Church in Connecticut
Hartford, CT

The Rev. Margot Critchfield, Priest, retired
Episcopal Church
Sandwich, MA

The Rev. William Burt, Rector
St. John's Episcopal Church
North Haven, CT

The Rev. George A. Chien, Retired/volunteer assisting clergy
Trinity Episcopal Church
Hartford CT

The Rev. Robert C Hooper, III, Rector
St James's Episcopal Church
West Hartford, CT

The Rev. Dr. Alice Hunt, President
Chicago Theological Seminary
Chicago, IL

Edna Marie Thomas, Retired
Christ Episcopal Chirch
Middletown, NJ

The Rev. Dr. Rachel W Thomas, SE Region Missionary
Episcopal Church in Connecticut
Deep River, CT

The Rev. Matthew Lindeman, Rector
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Milford, CT

The Rev. Maureen R. Frescott, Associate Pastor
Congregational Church of Amherst, UCC
Amherst, NH

Jaye Lyon, Spiritual Director
Stonington CT

The Rev. Dr. Regina Kinney, Pastor
Second Congregational Church UCC
Wilton, NH

The Rev. Carrie Combs, Curate
Trinity Episcopal Church
Newtown, CT

Michael Zachariah Fraser, Informatician

Manchester, CT

Jessie Karpf, Parishoner
Trinity Episcopal Church
Wethersfield, CT

The Rev. J. Hugh A James, Rector/Pastor
Christ Episcopal Church & St Mark Lutheran Church
Norwich CT

Mike Andres, Engineer
St Andrews
Manchester, NH

The Rev. Rachel Field, South Central Region Missionary
Episcopal Church in Connecticut
South Central Connecticut

The Rev. Stephen Voysey, Interim Minister
The Episcopal Church
Gloucester, MA

The Rev. William Ferguson, Pasor
First Congregational Church of Pelham NH UCC
Pelham, NH

The Rev. Lauren Lorincz, Pastor
Colchester Federated Church
Colchester, CT

Ron Simmons, Historical Researcher
St. Mark's Episcopal
Fort Collins, CO

Lisa Yates, Retired
Sterling, VA

Melinda Thomas, Author, Yoga Instructor
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Cary, NC

Pauline Dawson, Retired
Christ Episcopal Church Middletown NJ
Aberdeen, NJ

M. Louise Krippenstapel, Retired computer lab supervisor
Trinity Episcopal Church
Manchester, CT

Dr. Paul Theerman, Warden
Church of the Good Shepherd
New York, NY

Barbara Garrity, Warden
Christ Church (Episcopal)
Middletown, NJ

The Rev. Ellen L Tillotson, Supply Priest
Episcopal Church in Connecticut
Guilford, CT

Phyllis Brown, Social Worker, retired
The Episcopal Church of the US
Baldwinsville, NY

The Rev. Claire Nevin-Field, Rector
St. Peter's Church
Philadelphia, PA

Barbara Elliott, Director of Enrollment Planning
St Peter's Episcopal Church
Philadelphia, PA

Dr. Laurel Bass Wagner, Psychologist
Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church
Dallas, TX

The Rev. Michelle Wilkey,
David's UCC
Dayton, OH

The Very Rev. Miguelina Howell, Dean
Christ Church Cathedral
Hartford, CT

Gray Coughenour Sawyer/, retired
St Stephen's
East Haddam, CT

The Rev. Dr. Davida Foy Crabtree, Retired
First Church in Windsor, UCC
Windsor, CT

The Rev. Dr. Susan Prichard, Pastor
First Congregational Church
Norwich, CT

The Rev. Joseph W. Bradley, Retired
First Church of Christ, Center Church
Hartford CT

Erica Roggeveen Byrne, Parishioner
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Southington, CT

The Rev. Mary L. Staley, Priest-in-Charge
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Put-in-Bay, OH

Anne Hughes, Coordinator, Center for Elder Abuse Prevention
Jewish Senior Services
Bridgeport, CT

The Rev. Robert Bates, Retired
Episcopal Church
Belvidere, IL

The Rev. Katelyn Macrae, Pastor
Richmond Congregational Church, UCC
Richmond, VT

Martha Montgomery, Clinical Director (of a substance abuse program)
Baltimore, MD

Patricia Nicholas, Retired
First Congregational Church of New Milford
New Milford, CT

Jan Steinberg, Youth minister
United Church of Christ
North Miami, FL

The Rev. Dr. Steve Stone, Exec Dir, Memphis Friendship Foundation
United Methodist
Memphis, TN

Leonidas Jones, Vestry member
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
Meriden, CT

Margaret McCann, Retired epidemiologist
St. Philip's Episcopal Church
Durham, NC

Elizabeth Barker Ring, Retired
Freeport, ME

The Rev. Rushan Sinnaduray, Senior Pastor
Central UCC
Jefferson City, MO

Rebecca Russell, Musician
Oakland, TN

The Rev. Lucille L. Fritz, Pastor
Huntington Congregational Church UCC
Shelton, CT

The Rev. Nicole Grant Yonkman, Senior Minister
First Church in Windsor
Windsor, CT

The Rev. Lisabeth Brimm, Chaplain
Wrentham Developmental Center
Wrentham, MA

The Rev. Charles Everson, Assistant to the Rector
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Kansas City, MO

The Rev. Jenell Wilcox Mahoney, Senior Pastor Emerita
First Congregational Church/UCC
Bakersfield, CA

Casey Rousseau, System Analyst
Trinity Episcopal Church
Hartford, CT

Linda Caesar, Senior Warden
All Saints' Episcopal Church
Oakville, CT

Joseph Niel Spillane, Retired
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Mystic CT

Beverly Olsen, Retired
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Mystic, CT

The Rev. Dr. Virginia H. Child, Interim Pastor
Congregational Church UCC of Grafton MA
Grafton MA

J S Edward Tatnall, Teacher
The Episcopal Church & The Universal Life Church
West Grove, PA

The Rev. Philip Bjornberg, Missional Priest
Trinity Episcopal Church
Portland, CT

The Rev. John R. Clarke, Rector
St Paul's Episcopal Parish
Malden, MA

The Rev. Ann Fontaine, Priest
Cannon Beach, OR

The Rev. Daniel Spacek, Senior Pastor
First Congregation Church of Auburn, UCC
Auburn, CA

The Rev. Barbara W. Baxter, Supply Priest
Episcopal Diocese of Western New York
Falconer, NY

The Rev. Aelred Bernard Deab, Priest-In-Charge
Saint Mary's Episcopal Church
Middlesboro, KY

Christina Wyman, CFO

The Rev. Richard L. Ullman, Retired
The Episcopal Church
Philadelphia, PA

The Rev. Dr. C. Eric Funston, Rector
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Medina, OH

The Rev. Miranda Hassett, Rector
St Dunstan's Church
Madison, WI

The Rev. Johnnette Shane, Rector
Church of the Holy Family
Park Forest, IL

Matthew Watts, Potential Ordinand
Church of England
London, United Kingdom

Liz Yoho, Dir. of Children & Youth Ministry
Congregational Church of New Fairfield, UCC
New Fairfield, CT

Lyn Rossano, Manging Director
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
Old Saybrook, CT

William Vaughan, Retired
United Methodist Jesus Follower
Bartlett, TN

Lyle McLevain, Associate Patient Services Specialist
Christ Church Cathedral, Nashville
Nashville, TN

The Rev. Chad Sundin, Chaplain
Episcopal Campus Ministries at Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ

Becky Newberry, Retired
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Little Rock, AR

Jolene Miller, Librarian, spiritual director
Trinity Episcopal Church
Toledo, OH

The Rev. Susan Savell, Elder
Bath United Church of Christ
Bath, Maine

The Rev. Dr. Katharine E. Babson, Retired from parochial ministry but active in overseas mission
Brunswick, Maine

Cecile Gilson, Retired
Immanuel Congregational Church
Hartford CT

Kimberly A. Rohde, Parishoner
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Long Beach, CA
Long Beach, CA

Julia Andrews, Attorney
St. John's Norwood Episcopal Church
Chevy Chase, MD

The Rev. Kristen Provost Switzer, Associate Pastor
Newtown Congregational Church, UCC
Newtown, CT

The Rev. Anne Fraley, Missional Priest
Grace Episcopal Church
Broad Brook, CT

Randall Stewart, Musician
United Methodist
Birmingham, AL

The Rev. Beau Anthony Farr, Priest
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta
Atlanta, GA

The Rev. Dr. Linda U Barnes, Pastor
Blooming Grove UCC
Blooming Grove, NY

Bruce Kinney, Engineer
Second Congregational Church, UCC
Wilton, NH

Dr. John Donnelly, Obstetrician
Holy Innocents Episcopl Church
Atlanta, GA

Jon Rania, Lay Ministry Associate
Christ Episcopal Church
Dover, DE

The Rev. Jered Weber-Johnson, Rector
Saint John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
Saint Paul, MN

John M Plunkett, Retired
St James
Louisa, VA

The Rev. Denise Clapsaddle, Co-Pastor
The Church of Yes And...
Hartford, CT

The Rev. Rebekah Bokros Hatch, Rector
St. Alban's
Simsbury, CT

Linda Garrish Thomas, Retired
Grace Episcopal Church
Manchester, NH

Polly Cassady, Sunday School Supervisor &SGC trainer
St. John's Episcopal
Lynchburg VA

The Rev. John Zamboni, Rector
St. Francis' Episcopal Church
Dunellen, NJ

The Rev. Danette Kong, retired
United Church of Christ
Kula, HI

Lee Ireland, Interim Pastor
Niantic, CT

The Rev. W. Keith McCoy, Deacon Associate
St. John's Episcopal Church
Somerville, NJ

Maggy Gilbert, Listener
St Marks Episcopal
Mystic, CT

Patricia llLiberty, Intentional Interim, retired
United Church of Christ
Kingston arI

The Rev. Pat Kriss, Pastor
First Congregational Church Danbury
Danbury, CT

The Rev. Rebecca Black, Interim Priest
Christ Church
Waltham MA

The Rev. Susan Saucedo Sica, Vicar
St. Gregory's Church
Parsippany, NJ

The Rev. Rachel Fay Beam, Senior Pastor
First Congregational Church of Bethel
Bethel, CT

The Rev. Can. James H. Pritchett, Jr., Retired
Asheville, NC

The Rev. Amy Spagna, Assistant to the Rector
Christ Church
Westerly, RI

The Rev. Donald Remick, Associate Conference Minister
Framingham, MA

Linda Mattila, Pastor, writer

Medway, OH

The Rev. Dr. J. Barry Vaughn, Rector
Christ Church Episcopal
Las Vegas, NV

The Rev. Dr. Susan J. Foster, Pastor
East Woodstock Congregational Church, UCC
East Woodstock, CT

The Rev. Milton Brasher-Cunningham, Member
First Congregational Church of Guilford UCC
Gullford, CT

Gordon S. Bates, Reverend
First Church of Christ, UCC
Glastonbury, CT

The Rev. Eric S. Anderson, Pastor
Church of the Holy Cross UCC
Hilo, HI

The Rev. Sara Ofner-Seals, Pastor
First Congregational Church
New London, CT

Danielle Zimmerman, Disabled
Birmingham, Al

The Rev. Dr. Anita L. Bradshaw, Transitional Senior Pastor
St. Luke Presbyterian Church
Minnetonka, MN

Marthe F Dyner, retired
Episcopal Church in NH
Grantham, NH

Claiborne Beary, Student
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
Middlebury, VT

Caroline Wolstenholme, Parishioner
Tucson, AZ

The Rev. Wes Jamison, Pastor
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and United Church of Christ
Washington, D.C.

Lucas Thorpe, Parishioner
Holy Apostles Episcopal Church
Brooklyn, NY

Anne E. Derse, Community Life Coordinator
St John's Norwood
Bethesda-Chevy Chase, MD

Christine Maglott, Retired
United Methodist Church
Green Valley, AZ

John S. Leslie Jr., Parish Verger & Subdeacon
Christ Church Episcopal
Las Vegas, NV

Cynthia Throop Glidden, Retired educator and organic farmer
Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina
Grover, NC

The Rev. Greta MacRae, Pastor
Lakeville United Church of Christ
Lakeville, MA

The Rev. Ineke K. Mitchell, Retired
United Church of Christ
Canton, CT

The Rev. Gary Meade, Rector
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Dyersburg, TN

The Rev. Karen Jodice, Pastor
United Church of Christ
Southbury, CT

The Rev. Deborah Magdalene, Rector
Zion Episcopal Church
Wappingers Falls, NY

The Rev. Dr. Susan W. Tierney, Pastor and Teacher
Weld Congregational Church UCC and Phillips Community Church UCC
Weld, ME and Phillips, ME

The Rev. Dr. Allie Perry, Worship Coordinator
Shalom United Church of Christ
New Haven, CT

David Bruce Maglott, Parishioner
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church
Germantown, MD

Susan White, General Counsel
First Church of Christ Simsbury
Simsbury CT

The Rev. Robin Bird, Pastor
First Congregational Church of Vernon, United Church of Christ
Vernon, CT

The Rev. Sally Norris, Senior Minister
The Federated Church of Orleans
Orleans, MA

The Rev. Thomas F. Reese, Rector
Saint Luke's Episcopal Church
Forest Hills, NY

The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Gallagher, Senior Pastor
United Congregational Chirch
Tolland, CT

The Rev. Nicholas G. Lang, Rector
St. Paul's on the Green (Episcopal)
Norwalk, CT

Dr. Brigitte McCray, Assistant Professor of English
St. James Episcopal Church
Knoxville, TN

Rev. Dr. Patricia A Kogut, Pastor
North Congregational Church UCC
Middleboro, MA

Lydia Blacker, Lay leader
Taftville Congregatioal Church
Norwich, CT

The Rev. Lucy LaRocca, vicar
Zion Episcopal Church
North Branford, CT

The Rev. Christian W Remick, Pastor
United Methodist Church
Nicholville, NY

The Rev. George Harris, Senior Minister
First Church Simsbury
Simsbury CT

The Rev. Todd Weir, Pastor
First Churches of Northampton, MA
Northampton, MA

Penelope Winder, Retired
Potomac, MD

The Rev. Sara D. Smith, Senior Minister
United Congregational Church - UCC
Bridgeport, CT

The Rev. Susan Walker, Deacon, Deacon
St. Stephen and the Incarnation
Washington, DC

Dr. Karen Worley Funk, Retired teacher
Montgomery, AL

Jennifer A. Hudson, Vestry Member
St. Paul's on the Green (Episcopal)
Norwalk, CT

Percy Williamson, Retired Warden
Trinity Episcopal Church
Hartford, CT

The Rev. Linda Fernandes-Bailey, Spiritual Director
Specialized ministry

The Rev. Bill Petersen, Rector
All Saints Episcopal Church
Wolfeboro, NH

The Rev. Michael J Chaney, Priest
Episcopal Diocese of Georgia
Savannah, GA

Debbie Kistler, A Child of God
Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
Southern CA-Yuma AZ

Christopher J. Spiegelman, Vestry
St Pauls on The Green
Norwalk, CT

Sean Fulton, Business Owner
St. Paul's on the Green
Norwalk, CT

The Rev. Susan Pinkerton, Rector
St. John's Episcopal Church
West Hartford, CT

The Rev. Dr. Michael Ciba, Sr. Regional Minister
Connecticut Conference United Church of Christ
Hartford CT

Joanne Persico, President
St. Paul's on the Green
Norwalk, CT

The Rev. Deon Johnson, Rector
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Brighton, MO

The Rev. Nathan Dannison, Senior Minister
The First Congregational Church
Kalamazoo, MI

Lezley McDouall,
Christ Episcopal Church
Tacoma WA

Benjamin Yates,
Sterling, VA

The Rev. Mary Anne Osborn, Missional priest
Christ Episcopal Church
Middle Haddam, CT

Pamela Lamlein, Retired
Edwards Church
Northampton, MA

The Rev. Diane M. Peterson, Deacon
Trinity Episcopal Church
Southport, CT

The Rev. David H Starr, Retired
THe Episcopal Church in the Diocese of El Camino Real
San Jose, CA

Alan Relyea, Moderator
The First Church in Windsor
Windsor, CT

The Rev. Sharon Manning-Lew, Priest Associate
US Episcopal Church
Peekskill, NY

The Rev. Dr. Dee Eisenhauer, Pastor
Eagle Harbor Congregational Church
Bainbridge Island, WA

The Rev. Lawrence M Brown, Rector
Trinity Church
Fillmore, CA

The Rev. Shelley Booth Denney, Rector
The Episcopal Church in Almaden
San Jose, CA

Br. Christopher-Francis Kennedy, OSF
Episcopal Church
Seattle, WA

The Rev. Robert V Thompson, Minister Emeritus
Lake Street Church of Evanston
Evanston, IL

The Rev. Patricia L. Steeves, Priestess
Seekers Realm
Bridgeport, CT

Reed Price, Church Council Member
Eagle Harbor Cong. UCC
Bainbridge Island, WA

The Rev. Richard M Burgess, Transitional Pastor
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Meriden, CT

Marjorie Brown, retired
Avon, CT

The Rev. Eric Don Anderson, Community Coordinator
Yakima Rotary Food Bank
Yakima, WA

Kathy Rutledge, Retired
Episcopal Church
Oak Hill, WV

The Rev. Dr. Lucretia W. Mann, Priest Associate
St. Philip the Apostle Episcopal Church
Scotts Valley, CA

The Rev. Dan Stern, Spiritual Care Associate
Richmond Beach Congregational UCC
Shoreline, WA

The Rev. Joshua D. Rinas, Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Southington, CT

Marysia Chabotte, Nurse
Gilead Congregational
Hebron, CT

The Rev. Matthew R. Dutton-Gillett, Rector
Trinity Church in Menlo Park (An Episcopal Community)
Menlo Park, CA

Nancy Lynn Knauff, Vocalist
Concordia Lutheran Church
Hartford, CT

The Rev. Catherine E. Allard, Pastor
Meridian United Church of Christ
Wilsonville, OR

Cathy Green, retired
Christ United Church - UCC
Olmsted Falls, OH

The Rev. Robert Neville, Rector
Christ Church Tashua and Grace Episcopal
Trumbull, CT

Rodney Davis, Associate Priest
Saint Michael's Episcopal Church
Carmichael, CA

The Rev. Kevin Phillips, Pastor, Leader, Friend
The Episcopal Church
Lincoln, CA

The Rev. Abbott Bailey, Rector
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Richmond, VA

Robert Hicker, Teacher
Christ Church Parish, Episcopal
Tacoma, WA

Steve Hodgson, Musician
Christ Church Episcopal
Las Vegas, NV

The Rev. Michelle Madsen-Bibeau, Interim Minister
Beneficent Congregational Church
Providence, RI

The Rev. Pam Morgan, Rector
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Springdale, AR

Zachary Kohl, Attorney
Saint Mark's
New London, CT

The Rev. Eric S Greenwood Jr, Retired Priest
Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee
Nashville, TN

Ginny Green, Parishioner/Vestry Member
St Paul's Episcopal Church
Norwalk, CT

Dr. Courtney Holmes, Parish Nurse and Deacon
First Congregational Church of West Haven
West Haven, CT

The Rev. Tom Harris, Pastor
Govans Presbyterian Church
Baltimore, MD

The Rev. Timothy D Rodden, Parish Associate
First & Central Presbyterian Church
Wilmington, DE

The Rev. Peter De Franco, OSB, Rector
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Clifton, NJ

Michael Dillard, Lay Member
United Methodist
Fort Lee , NJ

The Rev. Mary Alice Suter, Pastor
Christian Church, DOC/ UCC
Springfield, IL

Ann Lovejoy, Author, educator
Eagle Harbor Congregational Church
Bainbridge Island, WA

The Rev. James Semmelroth Darnell, Minister
United Church of Christ
Williamsburg, VA

Anthony Dobrowolski, Actor
Grace Episcopal Church
Oak Park, IL

The Rev. Dr. Nancy Rock Poti, Pastor
Trinity Church, Baptist
Richmond, VA

The Rev. Barbara Lohrbach, Pastor
St John UCC
Kankakee, IL

The Rev. Maria J. Hoecker, Rector
St. Columba's Episcopal Church
Boothbay Harbor, ME

Knut Haasch, At home parent
Rejoice! Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Omaha, NE

The Rev. Dr. Barbara J. Blodgett, Assistant Prof. of Pastoral Leadership
Lexington Theological Seminary
Lexington, KY

Kirsten Hoffman, Operations Manager
Unitarian Universalist Church of Stillwater
Stillwater, OK

The Rev. Mia J. Douglas, Authorized Minister
CT Conference UCC
Hartford, CT

The Rev. Robert P Morrison, Vicar
The Episcopal Church of St. Alban
Albany, OR

The Rev. Jeffrey Spencer, Senior Pastor and Teacher
Niles Discovery Church
Fremont, CA

The Rev. Kenneth R. Storck, Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rockford, IL

Richard Burton, Retired
United Methodist
Tifton, GA

Michael McSherry, Senior Minister
Edwards Church of Northampton
Northampton, MA

The Rev. Sally Dries, Retired
United Church of Christ
Sunbury, PA

The Rev. Dr. Randall Clayton, Pastor
Brown Memorial Woodbrook Presbyterian Churvh
Baltimore, MD

Gabrielle Songe, Author, poet, artist, photographer
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Williston, TN

The Rev. Andrew F. Davis, Pastor
Union Presbyterian
Saint Peter, MN

The Rev. Dr. G. Scott Cady, Pastor, ELCA
Manchester, CT

The Rev. Dr. Randall Clayton, Pastor
Brown Memorial Woodbrook Presbyterian Churvh
Baltimore, MD

The Rev. Ralph G. Kuespert, Interim Pastor
Rockford, IL

Glenn Wells, President
Huntington Electric Inc.
Shelton, CT

Nadine Mack, SAHM, Cerified Lay Servant
First United Methodist Church of Moorestown
Moorestown, NJ

Ronald Weber, Rector
Saint Nichols Parish
Janesville, WI

The Rev. Virginia Carle, Retired Pastor
Vero Beach, FL

The Rev. Susan Shumway, Chaplain
United Church of Christ
O'Fallon, MO

Holly Dutton, Licensed Professional Counselor
Self employed
Detroit Lakes, MN

Bob Giolitto, Director of National Sales
St. Paul's on the Green Episcopal Church
Norwalk, CT

The Rev. Dr. J Mary Luti, Retired
United Church of Christ
Lowell, MA

Marcia McLaughlin, Spiritual Director
Richmond Beach UCC
Shoreline WA

Everett Charters, Seminarian
St. Bede Episcopal Church
Forest Grove, OR

Doug Nelson, Retired government worker
San Jose, CA

The Rev. Jennifer DiFrancesco, Co-Pastor
The Slate Project
Baltimore, MD

Sonia Lynn Walker, Teacher
Our Savior LCMS & Pilgrim-St. Luke El Nuevo Camino UCC
Buffalo, NY

The Rev. Maxwell Grant, Senior Minister
Second Congregational Church
Greenwich, CT

The Rev. Jocelyn Cadwallader, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
New Haven, CT

Judith L. McGovern, Retired, Church Aministrator
Hudson, FL

The Rev. Tara Olsen Allen, Pastor
Pilgrim UCC Brentwood Kingston
Brentwood, NH

The Rev. Shannan R. Vance-Ocampo, General Presbyter
The Presbytery of Southern New England
Chester, CT

Charlotte Rogers, Pastoral Counselor
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church
Germantown, MD

The Rev. Alison J. Buttrick Patton, Pastor
Saugatuck Congregational Church, UCC
Westport, CT

The Rev. Paul Bryant-Smith, Pastor
King Street United Church of Christ
Danbury, CT

The Rev. Henry E. "Hank" Fairman, Senior Pastor
St. John UCC
Freeport, IL

The Rt. Rev. Dr. John Selders, Pastor
Amistad Church-Hartford
Hartford, CT

The Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Henry, Pastor Emeritus
St. Pauls United Church of Christ
Chicago, IL

The Rev. David W. Inglis, Minister
United Church of Christ
Crystal Lake, IL

The Rev. Diann Helen Bailey, Associtate Minister
First Church of Christ
Suffield, CT

The Rev. Dr. Rochelle, Senior Pastor
First Church of Christ UCC
Hartford, CT

Sheri M. Pellerin, Parishioner
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Mystic, CT

The Rev. Michael Denton, Conference Minister
Pacific Northwest Conference of the UCC
Washington, N. Idaho, & Alaska

The Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Rodkey, Pastor
St. Paul's United Church of Christ
Dallastown, PA

The Rev. Tracy Johnson Russell, Priest-in-Charge
St. Monica's Episcopal Church
Hartford, CT

The Rev. Matthew Carriker, Pastor & Protestant Chaplain
Agape Spiritual Community & Brandeis University
Waltham, MA

Joanne Leaman,
Westport, CT

Susan B. Roman, RN
St. Patrick-St. Anthony
Hartford, CT

Julianne P. Roman, NANNY
St. Patrick-St. Anthony
Hartford, CT

Christopher Roman, TEACHER
St. Patrick-St. Anthony
Hartford, CT

Thomas G. Kuhn, Retired
Christ Church Episcopal
Las Vegas, NV

Sister Barbara Jean Brown, Executive Director
Interfaith Resource Center
Wilmington, DE

Brother Samuel, Missionary Brother
Santuario de Nossa Senhora dos Ventos
Lapinha da Serra, Minas Gerais, Brasil

The Rev. Dr. Clark M. Sherman, Rector
St. James Episcopal Church
Bozeman, MT

The Rev. Christopher John Janson, Pastor
Healing Reign Christian Church
Buffalo, NY

Sister Susan Brigit Brooks, Adult Education
St. David's Episcopal Church
Southfield, MI

Susan H. Cole, Retired teacher, Artist
St. Paul's Church
Norwalk, CT

Diane Cliff, Librarian
Detroit, MI

The Rev. Emily Schwenker, Spiritual Director
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Chadds Ford, PA

Kathleen Crossman, Vice President
St Marks
Elburn, IL

Michelle O'Brien, Author and Artist
Hamilton, New Zealand

Audrey Cozzarin, Graphic Designer
St. Paul's on the Green Episcopal Church
Norwalk, CT

Serafino Carri, Engineer
St Paul's on the Green
Norwalk, CT

Jeffery B Koller, Retired
St. Paul's on the Green, Episcopal Church
Norwalk, CT

John Lionetti, Retired
St. Paul's on the Green, Episcopal Church
Norwalk, CT

The Rev. Michelle Hansen, Missional Priest
All Saint's Episcopal Church
East Hartford, CT

The Rev. Eric Sherlock, Pastor
Danville Congregational Church, UCC
Danville, CA

Catherine Sutton, Retired
Bakersfield, CA

Dr. Barbara Beliveau, Assistant Professor of Economics (retired)
Thomasville, GA

Mary Verel, Retired Educator
St. Paul's on the Green
Norwalk, CT

Hubert Thompson, Reference Librarian II
Chicago Public Library
Chicago, IL

The Very Rev. Ian Render, Dean-elect of St. John's Cathedral
Anglican Diocese of Waiapu
Napier, New Zealand

Deborah Walker, Nurse
UCC, American Baptist
Angola, NY

Robert Petersen, Retired
St Paul's on the Green
Norwalk, CT

Emily Sander, Freelance Artist
First Congregational Church
Lincoln, ME

Mary Davidson, Retired Health Visitor
United Reformed Church
Amble, United Kingdom

Vicky Brett, Organiser
Inclusive Peterborough
Peterborough, United Kingdom

The Rev. Iain Baxter, Vicar
All Saints
Chiang Mai, Thailand

The Rev. Harrison West, Rector
Christ Episcopal Church
Guilford, CT

Rev. Linda Harle-Mould, Campus Minister
Pilgrim St Luke's/el Camino Nuevo
Kenmore, NY

Christopher Barnes, Engineer
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Mystic, CT

Peg Wright, CEO Center for Great Expections
Our Lady of Lourdes
Whitehouse Station, NJ

The Rev. Dr. Charles Alkula, Pastor
Stevensville United Methodist Church
Stevensville, MT

Brother Barry Kevin Chitwood, English Teacher
Anamchara Fellowship

Dena Bartnicki, Minister
Universal Life Church
Dallas, TX

Sister Sr Phyllis Aileen , AF, Administrator
Anamchara Fellowship
Deerfield Beach FL

Dr. Nancy Naffziger, Licensed Psychologist
Disciples of Christ/UCC
Orchard Park, NY

Mark Piontkowski, Diesel mechanic
St. Stevens
East Haddam, CT

Elizabeth Healy, Member
King Street United Church of Christ
Danbury, CT

Peg Marose, Seminarian
United Lutheran Seminary
Frederick, MD

The Rev. William D. Ingraham, Senior Pastor
First Church Congregational UCC
Methuen, MA

Carol Custus, IT Project Coordinator
St Paul's on the Green
Norwalk, CT

Sam Thinnesen, Authorised Lay Minister
St John's/ Church of England
Oldham, United Kingdom

The Rev. John Warfel, Retired
Episcopal Diocese of New York
Venice, FL

Brother Francis Philip, Carer & Franciscan
Norfolk, United Kingdom

The Rev. Robert Berra, Episcopal Campus Chaplain
Episcopal Campus Ministries at Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ

Tracey Johnson, Director
Grace Episcopal Church
Norwood, MA

Kerry Reed, Grant Writer
Knoxville, TN

Anne Watkins, Organizational Development Consultant
St. Paul's on the Green
Norwalk, CT

The Rev. Ryan M. Hart, Lead Minister
Open Cathedral
Leander, TX

The Rev. Rose Cohen Hassan, Priest-in-Charge
Episcopal Church of St. Luke and St. Mary
Hope and Belvidere, NJ

Robert Raupach, Parishoner
St. James Episcopal
Farmington, CT

Deborah Agrella, Parishoner
St.James Episcopal
Farmington, CT

Sister MP Ella Williams, Companion to the Anamchara Fellowship
St Marks Episcopal Cathedral
Edmonds, WA

The Rev. Jesse Glick, Retired
UCC & Mennonite
Middletown, CT

The Rev. Dr. Matthew P. Cadwell, Rector
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Wakefield, MA

Diane Meredith Belcher, Music Director/Organist-Choirmaster
St. Thomas
Hanover, NH

Samuel Uchenna, Local Leader
House of Rainbow Fellowship
Asaba, Nigeria

The Rev. David Curtis, Deacon
St. John's Church, Henrico Parish
Richmond VA

The Rev. John Nugent, Parish Minister
Church of Scotland
Wick, Scotland, U.K.

Elizabeth Healy, Member
King Street United Church of Christ
Danbury, CT

The Rev. Nancy E. Gossling, Acting Dean
Cathedral Church of St. Paul
Boston, MA

The Rev. Martha D Johns, Former Associate for Community Life
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Vienna, VA

Merriam Alexander, Minister
Western North Carolina Presbytery
Asheville, NC

Edgar A. Gutierrez-Duarte, Vicar
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Chelsea, MA

Sharon Blackford, Attorney
St. George's Anglican Church
Barcelona, Spain

Erik Bolt, Foreign English Teacher
Expat Community of Shenyang
Shenyang, Liaoning, China

The Rev. Marj W. Stark, Retired Elder
United Methodist Church
Beverly, MA

The Rev. Paula J. Toland, Priest-in-Charge
Grace Episcopal Church
Oxford, MA

The Rev. Dr. David Oliver-Holder, Pastor/Head of Staff
First Presbyterian Church
Urbana, IL

Brother Percy Day, Minister
Soma Community
Edmond, OK

The Rev. Lucas V. Lindon, Senior Pastor
United Church of Christ, Congregational
Medina, OH

The Rev. Mary Harris,

The Rev. David F. Sellery, Priest-in-Charge
St John's
Salisbury, CT

The Rev. Michael E. Burke, Rector / Sr. Pastor
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Anchorage, AK

The Rev. Shawn R. Fisher, Senior Pastor
Groton Congregational Church
Groton, CT

The Rev. Janis Johnson, Retired Priest
The Episcopal Church
Olympia, WA

Kristin, Chaplain
The Episcopal Church
Brownsville, TX

David Carver, Student
St. Anne's Episcopal Church
Calais, ME

Ingrid Measimer, Lay leader
Groton Congregational Church, UCC
Groton, CT

The Rev. Kent Siladi, Conference Minister
Connecticut Conference, United Church of Christ
Hartford, CT

The Rev. Dr. Joseph A Krasinski, Rector
St. James' Episcopal Church
Danbury, CT

The Rev. Laura Fitzpatrick-Nager, Pastor
First Church of Christ, Congregational
East Haddam, CT

Elizabeth Grant, Teacher assistant
St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Mary Kerns, VP

Charleston, WV

Budd Kirby, Director of Music Ministries/Organist
Episcopal Church
Charlotte, NC

Michael A DeNegris Jr, Treasurer
All Saints Episcopal Church
Wolcott, CT

Fr. Eddie Lopez, Priest
Iglesia Betania
Stamford, CT

Sister Hilda Zeigler, Child of God
St. David's Episcopal Church
Gales Ferry CT

Dr. Ryan Kopreski, Teacher
St. Paul's on the Green
Norwalk, CT

Pam Dann, Scientist
Christ Church
Bethany , CT

Rev. Gary A. Mongillo,Dcn,Tssf, Retired
The Society of Saint Francis
Telford, TN

Pam Naylor, Artist, Child of God
St. John's
Guilford, CT

The Rev. Vince Amlin, Minister
Bethany UCC/ Gilead Chicago
Chicago, IL

The Rev. Dr. Frank Kirkpatrick, Professor of Religion Emeritus
Trinity College
Wethersfield, CT

Eileen Perron, Vestry Member and parishioner
Grace Church
Old Saybrook, CT

Marilyn J Bergen, Retired
The Episcopal Church of St Paul & St James
New Haven, CT

Nancy Jacobs, Parishioner
Christ Church Cathedral
Hartford, CT

Lilian Revel, Associate for Pastoral Care
Trinity Episcopal Church on the Green
New Haven, CT

The Rev. Peter E. Bushnell, Rector
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Enfield, CT

Susan Anne Corey, Retired
Trinity Church, Brooklyn, CT
North Grosvenordale, CT

Karen Ackerman, Administrative Asst.
St. Michael's Parish
Litchfield, CT

The Rev. Carolyn Legg, Deacon
St. James Episcopal Chruch
Danbury, CT

The Rev. Jonathan Chapman, Pastor
Westfield Church, United Church of Christ
Killingly, CT

Jonathan Hylan, Retired
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Fairfield, CT

The Rev. Charles Todd, Vicar
The Collegiate Church of St. Paul the Apostle
Savannah, GA

Allison Huggins, Digital Communications Associate
The Episcopal Church in Connecticut
Meriden, CT

The Rev. Nicolette Siragusa, Minister
Bolton Congregational Church, UCC
Bolton, CT

Quinton M Johansen, Retired
St Paul's Episcopal Church Southington
Plainville, CT

The Rev. Joan, Priest Associate
Niantic, CT

The Rev. Gregory Briggs, Interim Minister
First Congregational United Church of Christ
Grand Ledge, MI

The Rev. Keri Aubert, Priest-in-Charge
St. Thomas's Episcopal Church
New Haven, CT

The Rev. Bonnie Matthews, Deacon
The Episcopal Church in CT

The Rev. Denise E. Cabana, Rector
St. James' Episcopal Church
Glastonbury, CT

Michael Meyer, Interpretor Printer/Godlyplay story teller
St Marks
Mystic, CT

Marie Peck-Llewellyn, Attorney, State Department on Aging
St. David's Episcopal Church
Gales Ferry, CT

Craig Scott, Parishioner
Old St. Andrew's
Bloomfield, CT

Lois Frankforter, President of the Girls Friendly Society of the United States of America
Girls Friendly Society
North Haven, CT

Sister Diane Hayes, Fellow member of Christ's community
St. John's, Pine Meadow
New Hartford, CT

Emmy Llewellyn, Communications Officer
Grace Episcopal Church
Medford, MA

Mary Ellen Killeen, Retired Social Worker
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Enfield, CT

The Rev. Richard Maxwell, Interim Priest
Grace Episcopal Church
Madison, NJ

The Rev. Karen Fedorchak, Deacon Emeritus
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Manchester, CT

The Rev. David M Carter, Rector
Christ Church (Episcopal)
Pomfret, CT

Diane Obernesser, Lay Eucharistic Visitor
St. James' Episcopal Church
Glastonbury, CT

Alfred Eggen, Sr. Advisor
St. Paul's Willimantic
Willimantic, CT

The Rev. Alon White, Interim Rector
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
Wilton, CT

The Rev. William F. Loutrel, Volunteer Associate
St. Thomas's Church
New Haven, CT

Andrew May, Congregant
Christ Church Cathedral
Hartford, CT

Matthew Yates, Banker
Andrew Chapel UMC
Falls Church, VA

The Rev. Andria Skornik, Rector
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Rockford, IL

Stephen L. Price, Sr., member
Central United Church of Christ
Jefferson City, MO

The Rev. Mike Bursell, Associate Minister
The Hedinghams and Upper Colne Benefice.
Halstead, Essex, UK

The Rev. Dr. Lynda Tyson, Associate Priest
St. Thomas's Episcopal Church
New Haven, CT

The Rev. Dr. John A. Nelson, Pastor and Teacher
Church on the Hill, UCC
Lenox, MA

Robert S. Nowie, Retired
Christ Church Episcopal
New Haven, CT

Susan Hovan, Parish Administrator
Christ Church
Stratford, CT

The Rev. Heidi Truax, Rector
Trinity Episcopal Church (Lime Rock)
Lakeville, CT

The Rev. Can. Anthony Guillén, Director of Ethnic Ministries and Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries
The Episcopal Church [DFMS]

The Rev. Dr. Carolyn J. Sharp, Professor of Homiletics
Yale Divinity School
New Haven, CT

The Rev. George Diaz, Deacon
New York, NY

Lucy Groening, Congregant
Christ Church Cathedral
Hartford, CT

The Rev. Natalie Blasco, Associate Rector
St Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church
Coral Springs, FL

The Rev. Dr. Paul J. Carling, Chaplain
Episcopal Church at Yale
New Haven, CT

The Rev. Frederic Chandler, Minister
Paterson, NJ

The Rev. Julie Kelsey, Lecturer, Yale Divinity School
Associated Clergy St Thomas's New Haven
New Haven, CT

Richard F. Lammlin, Retired
St. John's Episcopal Church
Essex, CT

The Rev. Victor Conrado, Associate for Ministries
Episcopal Diocese of Chicago
Chicago, IL

Susan Blaisdell, Administrative Assistant to the Pastor
Groton Congregational Church
Groton, CT

Anne Clarke Brown, Retired Episcopal church communicator
Church of Our Saviour
Killington, VT

Jennifer Ritzau, Physician
Christ Church
Pomfret, CT

The Rev. James D. Speer, Interim Priest
St Peter's Episcopal Church
Hebron, CT

Donald B. Edwards, Junior Warden
St. Thomas's Episcopal Church
New Haven, CT

Donna Glatz, Retired Nurse
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Enfield, CT

The Rev. Can. Lee Ann D. Tolzmann, Canon for Mission Leadership
Episcopal Church in Connecticut
Meriden, CT

Angela Shelley, Verger
The Episcopal Church at Yale
New Haven, CT

Sarah O'Neil, Student
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Enfield, CT

Margaret O'Neil,
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Enfield, CT

The Rev. Paul D. Sinnott, Associate to the Bishop
New England Synod, ELCA
New Preston, CT

The Rev. Geoffrey W. Smith, Pastor
Colebrook Congregational Church, NACCC
Colebrook, CT

Jean Pike, Retired
Holy Trinity Episcopal
Enfield, CT

Natalie E Finstad, Director of Leadership and Engagement
Episcopal City Mission
Boston, MA

The Rev. Thomas M. Ryberg, Associate Pastor
First Congregational Church of Battle Creek
Battle Creek, MI

Paul Hunter, Parishioner/Treasurer/Vestry Member
St. Paul's on the Green
Norwalk, CT

Maggie Breen, Northeast Region Missionary
Episcopal Church in Connecticut
Meriden, CT

Debby Duncan, Co-warden
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
East Haddam, CT

Dr. Melinda L. Richards, Associate Professor
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
Cookeville, TN

Brother Shaun Stacey, Member
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Pasadena, TX

Suzanne M. Powell, Pediatrician
Christ Church Pomfret
Pomfret, CT

The Rev. Gina M. Finocchiaro, Senior Minister
First Congregational Church, UCC
Wolfeboro, NH

The Rev. Dr. Jane Heckles, Ordained Minister
United Church of Christ
Claremont, CA

Janice Fairchild, Retired
Church of the Brethren
Wakefield, NH

The Rev. Dr. Suzannah Rohman, Rector
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Southington, CT

Ivy Tillman, Consultant, Massachusetts Conference
Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ
Amherst, MA

The Rev. Donna Gray, Deacon

Richard stuart, Retired
laconia nh UCC
Laconia. NH

Nickolaus Haenchen, VP, Human Resources
Roman Catholic
Enfield, CT

Kathryn P Bushnell, Retired
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Enfield, CT

The Rev. Robert W. Woodroofe, Missional Priest
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Bridgewater, CT

The Rev. Curtis Farr, Rector
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Fairfield, CT

Judith Stahl, parishioner
St James's
West Hartford CT

Linda Caesar, Retired teacher
All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Oakville
Watertown CT

Don Scott Lowry, Retired
Greek Orthodox
Columbus, OH

Peg A. Marose, Seminarian, United Lutheran Seminary, MDiv 2021
Gettysburg, PA

The Rev. Mark S. Delcuze, Rector
Christ Church Parish, Kent Island
Stevensville, MD

The Rev. David Prentice, Priest in Charge
Trinity Episcopal
Woburn, MA

Terry L Lockridge, Retired
Living Water Lutheran (ELCA)
Stevensville, MD

The Rev. Lois Keen, Missional Priest in Charge
St. Peter’s-Trinity Episcopal Church
Thomaston, CT

Mary Davies Cole, Creative Arts Therapist, Artist, Poet
Avon, CT

The Rev. Warren Earl Hicks, Rector
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Chesapeake, VA

The Rev. Dr. Ronny W. Dower, Retired
Canonical Resident of Diocese of NJ
Zanesville, OH

Sandy Poole, Retired
Trinity Cathedral
Easton MD

The Rev. Manuel P. Faria III, Rector
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Beverly MA

The Rev. Dr. Anne Gilson, Retired
St Philip's Episcopal Church
Brevard, NC

Katharine Graham, None
Episcopal church
Manchester, MA

Dr. Gary Van Essen, Teacher
Christ Church, Kent Island (Episcopal)
Arnold, MD

Grace L. Barnum, Member of Family
St. James Episcopal Church
New London, CT